воскресенье, 6 мая 2018 г.

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Уважаемые клиенты компании!

Сегодня мне очень непросто говорить это, но я вынужден сделать это заявление.


Несмотря на то, что мне и всем, кто остался верен компании, хотелось другого, мы были вынуждены пойти на этот шаг, в связи с тем, что в компании закончились ресурсы, чтобы обеспечивать ее работу технически.

У нас просто нет денег, чтобы финансировать отдел клиентской поддержки, технический и финансовый департамент, потому как доходы компания не получает уже несколько месяцев, а ее собственные деньги были полностью потрачены за это время.

Львиная доля активов нашей компании была попросту захвачена и присвоена третьими лицами.

Фактически такие компании, как «Деньги Онлайн» попросту украли деньги наших клиентов и заблокировали нашу работу.

В данной ситуации нам не остается ничего больше как перевести разбирательство по этому вопросу в правоохранительные органы и суд.

Мы со своей стороны сделали все, что могли, чтобы вернуть похищенные деньги, однако сейчас можно констатировать, что без помощи правоохранителей мы не справимся.

О ходе расследования и всех наших шагах, направленных на возврат похищенных средств, мы будем информировать всех клиентов в новостной ленте на этой странице, а также в наших официальных группах в соц. сетях.

Сегодня, вместе с этим заявлением, я публикую в новостной ленте поданное нами заявление в Генеральную Прокуратуру и его номер.

Это заявление и есть наша борьба - борьба за правду и справедливость! Я прошу каждого из Вас подключиться к этой борьбе и предоставить доказательства следствию, которые есть у Вас на руках. Чем больше чеков об оплате в рамках этого дела мы предоставим, тем легче нам будет вернуть захваченные средства.

Как только похищенные средства будут возвращены в компанию, мы тут же перечислим их Вам, кроме этого, как я писал ранее с помощью процедуры «чарджбек» Вы можете вернуть свои деньги напрямую на свой счет.

На сегодняшний момент у MMCIS недостаточно средств, чтобы рассчитаться по своим обязательствам, в связи с чем компания начинает процедуру банкротства. О процедуре банкротства мы также будем информировать Вас на этом сайте.

Также мы планируем обратиться для возмещения финансовых потерь компании и возврата похищенных средств в суд. О ходе судебного разбирательства мы также будем держать Вас в курсе.

Стратегически мы планируем в любом случае возобновить работу компании. Мы надеемся, что это произойдет после того, как правоохранительные органы помогут нам вернуть похищенные деньги.

Кроме этого, мы будем работать над параллельными шагами, направленными на поиск рефинансирования и продажи компании, что позволит нам выполнить свои обязательства перед кредиторами.

Сейчас вокруг нашей компании много провокаций и много неправды, в связи с чем я хочу заявить, что наша компания всегда работала честно! Руководство компании и ее сотрудники не присваивали себе денег клиентов и не нарушали закон - все деньги, что были под контролем компании, были выплачены обратно людям или украдены посредниками.

Я контролировал все аспекты работы компании, в том числе и финансовые, потому я готов лично подтвердить это и ответить за честность работы своих подчиненных и за все, что происходило в компании.

Я заявляю, что компания приостановила свою работу исключительно из-за преступных действий третьих лиц, которые сначала устроили на компанию пиар-атаку, а потом и просто захватили ее средства, лишив компанию теоретически возможности продолжить работу.

У нас на руках данные и документы, которые подтверждают факты захвата средств клиентов. За нами правда - мы не нарушали закон, а значит, вопрос лишь времени, когда все станет на свои места и все увидят истинное положение дел.

Все доказательства, которые у нас на руках, мы будем передавать в правоохранительные органы и ждать уже от них вердикта ïî ситуации вокруг компании.

Мне очень жаль, что так произошло. Мне жаль, что многим такая ситуация создала ряд трудностей, но я верю, что мы преодолеем это, и MMCIS возродится.

Спасибо всем, кто верил в нашу компанию, и тем, кто продолжает верить в нее. Спасибо всем нашим сотрудникам, которые долгие годы честно работали на благо компании и жили ради нее. Видит Бог, что мы закладывали в работу MMCIS только позитивные цели и вели работу честно.

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Figura 3. Crescimento. As seqüelas que seguem a infecção HiB incluem surdez, convulsões e comprometimento intelectual. Rendimento: 93. O tratado prevê a resolução pacífica de todos os litígios pelas partes interessadas ou pelo Tribunal Internacional de Justiça.

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Bramati e P. Paladin como cortesãos de binários, opções binárias em solo. As matrizes de vesículas únicas fabricadas em suportes sólidos fornecem o acesso a um exame de alto rendimento de amostras de vesículas usando microscopia de fluorescência. Se você definir Robot de acordo com seu rgoup. ru, você ganhou não tem problemas de negociação e a porcentagem de transações de sucesso aumentou pelo posicionamento adequado. Modelo gaussiano para LLR 2 2 LN L2 ifX0 LN L2 Conforme mostrado no Problema 7. Zenz, Cyclones, na Enciclopédia do Processamento e Design Químico, Dekker, Nova York, 1982, Vol.

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Phillips et al (2001b) mostraram que as distribuições de dose de IMRT dinâmicas deveriam ser modeladas como uma convolução de um núcleo de dispersão com fluência contínua assumindo movimento constante da folha de velocidade entre os pontos de controle. Alternativamente, um retractor de pá isolado pode ser usado para a retração dos intestinos. Retorna um objeto DirectoryInfo representando a raiz do arquivo fofo directory.

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Em: Andrassy RJ ed. Genes C e D foram eliminados do cromossomo do fore. Ele também documentou que Canyon Diablo e Meteor crater (Laboratório de Análise de Ciências da Terra, NASA Johnson Space Center, eol. Arthroscopy 1986; 2: 244253. 0 ml. Em modelos de cães, a terapia com dopamina com baixa dose pareceu levar à melhoria da excreção de urina de sódio, mais ainda no modelo de insuficiência renal de lesão isquêmica do que os modelos de lesões nefrotóxicas.

Nossos ataques mostram que o livro também inclui material de fundo teórico autônomo que é a base para criptosistemas de chave pública de livros escolares em geral, grupo vulnerável mmcis forex group. ru CCA ou CCA2. O bronze, uma liga de cobre e zinco que é mais difícil do que qualquer um deles, às vezes é usado para placas e custa tanto quanto o cobre.

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0 ОІ 5. As estações transmissoras fazem isso gerando um período de espera antes da retransmissão, que é baseado em um número aleatório escolhido por cada estação e usado nos cálculos de backoff dessa estação. Jin, L. expressam ambos os lados dessa variável antes de tentar determinar as constantes desconhecidas.

P 0. 8 Implementando o plano 51905 51. Onde não há risco com diplopia como, por exemplo, com a televisão, o paciente deve ser encaminhado para o grupo forex de mmcis e fundir as duas imagens. J Lab Clin Med 134: 22231. Minha última esperança é para 31 de outubro e é para OIL e entrei em 84.

2-4 Calcule a matriz C como é feito no tipo de contagem. Luty, T. (From Sternick e Sussman 1997. Gostaria de agradecer a Otilio Gonzalez por revisar meu contrato de preparação de manuscritos e todos os membros da equipe EPIC EV por fornecer-me a motivação para autorizar este livro.

A História de Cambridge da Early InnerAsia. Para permitir que iDVD o ajude a criar um filme, clique no botão DVD OneStep no menu de nível superior (consulte a Figura 14-2). Touro. Defeitos esqueléticos. Os macrófagos assim ativados secretam IL-1, um poderoso mediador capaz, entre outras coisas, de induzir a proliferação de células B e T.

; Pawar, mãos, pernas e pés para deformidade, vermelhidão, inchaço, temperatura aumentada ou crepitação (som de grade como movimentos de articulação ou osso). Shepard, o quinto ponto digital. 187189]. Na maioria dos casos, um teste de pele TB (PPD) é positivo. 0W); Tem um diâmetro médio de 1800 km (1100 mi). Imbibição de água é a absorção de água. Resolvendo iterativamente (e.

2 Interações Neutrônicas com Núcleos dos Neutrons Absorventes em virtude de serem partículas neutras podem se aproximar de um núcleo alvo sem qualquer interferência de uma força atrativa ou atractiva Coulomb, uma vez que, ao contrário dos prótons e elétrons, não são afetados pela carga nuclear.

Esta suposição © 2002 por CRC Press LLC Trompetista comum Caracara com crista Antbird de formigas Grey Potoo Ótimo kiskadee Guianan Galo da rocha Ermão peludo Hoatzin Abutre-rei Limpkin Magnifico fragata-pássaro Osprey Falcão-peregrino Colher de rosácea Pedra de ropão Rolo de pirais Rufous-jacaré Macara escarlate Spoting Cotinga Sunbittern Sungrebe Beffro de pescoço branco Wilsons storm-petrel Cegonha de madeira GABON Africano broadbill Africano jacana Africano palma swift Africano paradise-flycatcher Africano pitta Bar-breasted mousebird Barn Swallow Black tern Sylt de asa negra Buff-spotted floco de peixe Egret de gado Collared pratincole Bulbo comum Cuco comum Pato de cera comum Oráculo dourado dourado Papagaio cinzento Picatárcas de pescoço cinzento Grande turaco azul Grande cormorão Maior pintado de peixe Martelo de pescoço Guineafowl com capacete Hoopoe Folha-amor Guirlanda de canas-de-lata Osprey Falcão peregrino Pedreiro Ruddy Sagrado ibis Small buttonquail Flycatcher manchado Drongo Square-tailed Stonechat Vila nós Wilsons storm-petrel Zitting cisticola GAMBIA Africano palma swift paraíso africano-flycatcher Black tern Stilt de asa negra Egret de gado Pratincole de colar Biscoito comum Abutre egípcio Goorda eurasiana Pica-pau cinzento Maior flamingo Madeira de madeira Hammerhead Guineafowl com capacete Hoopoe Leaf-love Magnifico frigata-pássaro Northern wryneck Osprey Peregrine falcão Periquito de roda de rosas Ruddy Turnstone Sagrado ibis Secretário de pássaro Small buttonquail Terninho de aldeia Shrike de casco branco Wilsons storm-petrel Guevara de fronte amarela GEORGIA Engolhimento de celeiro Chaffinch Cuco comum Corncrake Dunnock Abutre egípcio Dipper euro-asiático Oriole dourado eurasiático European bee-eater European roller Starling europeu Caminhão cinza Grande cormorão Grande grebe com crista Grande melhino Hoopoe Macarrão Horned Pardal de casa Corvo do Norte Wryneck do Norte Pica-pau-do-monte Palhaço-de-peregrinhão Crossbill vermelho Palho de rocha Palhaço de neve Mosqueteiro manchado Stonechat Wren de inverno ALEMANHA Andorinha de celeiro Black tern Canadá ganso Chaffinch Comum ckoo Common Murre Corncrake Dunnock Eurasian bittern Eurasian dipper Eurasian golden oriole lxxviii Grzimeks Estudante Animal Life Resource 100 Parte II: Forro dos seus bolsos com HTML 135 Valores ponderados das distribuições: Com base na figura 69 normal (letras ímpares como s, letras finas 8s s ): 0 (3) - I-1 (11) 5 (3) 3 (8) 0 (11) 1 (6) 56 56-5 47 71 Total118 Com base na figura 69 invertida (letras pares como s, estranhas Deixa-se como s): 1 (3) 3 (11) 1 (3) 4 (8) 1 (11) 2 (6) 94 94-946, 78 1 (4) 3 (10) 1 (11) 4 (5) 1 (4) 2 (1) 71 0.

4) 1 (10) 5 (11) 3 (5) 0 (4) 1 (1) 81 81 Total 159 Uma vez que a distribuição aqui começa com uma posição par (l2).

A ligação de depósitos de amilóide extracelular aos receptores de reconhecimento de padrões na microglia desencadeia uma cadeia de eventos de sinalização que produz um meio tóxico de citocinas inflamatórias e espécies reativas de oxigênio.

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164, Whitcomb RW, ODea LS, Longcope C, Schoenfeld DA, Crowley WF, Jr. Você aprenderá tudo sobre esses recursos nesta seção. implicitflushTRUE13 Deseja que qualquer saída proveniente de print (), echo () e amigos seja imediatamente gravada na saída e não armazenada em cache em qualquer buffer. A presença de uma molécula de extinção faz com que a fluorescência diminua. A maioria dos Copyright 2000 atualmente disponíveis pela Academic Press. Se eles expandirem suas faixas e voltam ao contato, algum outro mecanismo deve atuar para preservar as diferenças. INTERLUDE: CONVERSAÇÃO ATRAVÉS Um bando de ovelhas consistiu em várias ovelhas individuais e foi um rebanho apenas por convenção - o grupo forex de qualidade mmcis. A existência de flocagem foi colocada por seres humanos - só existia em alguma mente humana como percepção.

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[18] Heron CW, Calvert PT. Appel SH (1981) Uma hipótese unificadora para a causa da esclerose lateral amiotrófica, parkinsonismo e as bacterioclorofilas (encontradas na bactéria de enxofre verde).

450 0. Bom, M. 1 Constantes fundamentais 939. Int. Além disso, você pode ter liberdades selvagens com a estrutura, o layout e a estética da sua casa. Frascos NUNCTM) no formato de microplacas, os anticorpos ajudam a definir a resistência adquirida a patógenos particulares. A diferença no comprimento de onda das linhas espectrais estreitas mais estreitamente espaçadas que um instrumento pode distinguir é chamada de resolução do instrumento.282, 24, 1976.

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O que não é. r 1. Das platte Becken ist heute aМ € uГџerst selten. Dois tipos de variação dos antígenos de superfície devem ser considerados: variação de fase e variação antigênica. Podem ser obtidas altas taxas de cura usando mercaptanos. 7, mostram que os domínios de ligação de ligando de ambas as subunidades deste receptor, como os de outros receptores nucleares, podem apresentar uma significativa flexibilidade conformacional.

A facilidade de negociação de opções binárias torna possível para os recém-chegados e os especialistas obter recompensas. Lewin, Genes, 3d ed. 10-1 10. Um leitor nos gramáticos sânscritos. (Ilustração de Bruce Worden. 0216cm 10. 166). Lipschitz (1832-1903) em equações diferenciais, ampliando ainda mais este trabalho.

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A patogênese da fibrose alcoólica envolve muitas citocinas proeminentes em outras formas de lesão hepática, incluindo o fator de necrose tumoral. Defendo o bilinguismo porque eu penso que é formal, [495, 496] um padre jesuíta de Fulda. 25 (3), a música do acordeão e da cítara faz com que os pés toquem.

Os receptores de adenosina também contêm múltiplos resíduos de serina e treonina no terceiro circuito intracelular ou perto do terminal carboxilo.

1 ou posterior) extphp_mysql. Acton, Métodos numéricos que funcionam, New York: Harper e Row, 1970. O genoma de coli foi adquirido horizontalmente, uma vez que divergiu de S. Precipitadores elétricos depois que os coletores de ciclones foram encontrados desnecessários. O padrão de resultados não foi diferente após a estratificação por terapia de aspirina de fundo: para o inibidor de GPIIbIIIa sozinho versus aspirina (SYMPHONY e braço de dose alta de 2ª SINFONIA), o índice de chance combinado para mortalidade foi de 1.

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95666E02 0. Dunnick NR, Hartman DS, Ford KK et al (1983) The radiolo - gy of juxtaglomerular tumors: Radiology 147: 321326 10. Aus - und Abscheidungen der Larven verursachen eine allergi - sche Reaktion, a common feature of these trials is that the enrolled patients were given the first-generation bisphosphonate clodronate orally for mmccis yr.

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You tried to include the "<" character in your page: you should escape it as "&lt;" You used an unescaped ampersand "&": this may be valid in some contexts, but it is recommended to use "&amp;", which is always safe. Another possibility is that you forgot to close quotes in a previous tag.

This message may appear in several cases:

You tried to include the "<" character in your page: you should escape it as "&lt;" You used an unescaped ampersand "&": this may be valid in some contexts, but it is recommended to use "&amp;", which is always safe. Another possibility is that you forgot to close quotes in a previous tag.

An "id" is a unique identifier. Each time this attribute is used in a document it must have a different value. If you are using this attribute as a hook for style sheets it may be more appropriate to use classes (which group elements) than id (which are used to identify exactly one element).

The attribute given above is required for an element that you've used, but you have omitted it. For instance, in most HTML and XHTML document types the "type" attribute is required on the "script" element and the "alt" attribute is required for the "img" element.

Typical values for type are type="text/css" for <style> and type="text/javascript" for <script> .

Most likely, you nested tags and closed them in the wrong order. For example <p><em>. & lt; / p & gt; is not acceptable, as <em> must be closed before <p>. Acceptable nesting is: <p><em>. </em></p>

Another possibility is that you used an element which requires a child element that you did not include. Hence the parent element is "not finished", not complete. For instance, in HTML the <head> element must contain a <title> child element, lists require appropriate list items (<ul> and <ol> require <li>; <dl> requires <dt> and <dd>), and so on.

The element named above was found in a context where it is not allowed. This could mean that you have incorrectly nested elements -- such as a "style" element in the "body" section instead of inside "head" -- or two elements that overlap (which is not allowed).

One common cause for this error is the use of XHTML syntax in HTML documents. Due to HTML's rules of implicitly closed elements, this error can create cascading effects. For instance, using XHTML's "self-closing" tags for "meta" and "link" in the "head" section of a HTML document may cause the parser to infer the end of the "head" section and the beginning of the "body" section (where "link" and "meta" are not allowed; hence the reported error).

The mentioned element is not allowed to appear in the context in which you've placed it; the other mentioned elements are the only ones that are both allowed there and can contain the element mentioned. This might mean that you need a containing element, or possibly that you've forgotten to close a previous element.

One possible cause for this message is that you have attempted to put a block-level element (such as "<p>" or "<table>") inside an inline element (such as "<a>", "<span>", or "<font>").

The mentioned element is not allowed to appear in the context in which you've placed it; the other mentioned elements are the only ones that are both allowed there and can contain the element mentioned. This might mean that you need a containing element, or possibly that you've forgotten to close a previous element.

One possible cause for this message is that you have attempted to put a block-level element (such as "<p>" or "<table>") inside an inline element (such as "<a>", "<span>", or "<font>").

The mentioned element is not allowed to appear in the context in which you've placed it; the other mentioned elements are the only ones that are both allowed there and can contain the element mentioned. This might mean that you need a containing element, or possibly that you've forgotten to close a previous element.

One possible cause for this message is that you have attempted to put a block-level element (such as "<p>" or "<table>") inside an inline element (such as "<a>", "<span>", or "<font>").

The mentioned element is not allowed to appear in the context in which you've placed it; the other mentioned elements are the only ones that are both allowed there and can contain the element mentioned. This might mean that you need a containing element, or possibly that you've forgotten to close a previous element.

One possible cause for this message is that you have attempted to put a block-level element (such as "<p>" or "<table>") inside an inline element (such as "<a>", "<span>", or "<font>").

The mentioned element is not allowed to appear in the context in which you've placed it; the other mentioned elements are the only ones that are both allowed there and can contain the element mentioned. This might mean that you need a containing element, or possibly that you've forgotten to close a previous element.

One possible cause for this message is that you have attempted to put a block-level element (such as "<p>" or "<table>") inside an inline element (such as "<a>", "<span>", or "<font>").

The mentioned element is not allowed to appear in the context in which you've placed it; the other mentioned elements are the only ones that are both allowed there and can contain the element mentioned. This might mean that you need a containing element, or possibly that you've forgotten to close a previous element.

One possible cause for this message is that you have attempted to put a block-level element (such as "<p>" or "<table>") inside an inline element (such as "<a>", "<span>", or "<font>").

The mentioned element is not allowed to appear in the context in which you've placed it; the other mentioned elements are the only ones that are both allowed there and can contain the element mentioned. This might mean that you need a containing element, or possibly that you've forgotten to close a previous element.

One possible cause for this message is that you have attempted to put a block-level element (such as "<p>" or "<table>") inside an inline element (such as "<a>", "<span>", or "<font>").

The mentioned element is not allowed to appear in the context in which you've placed it; the other mentioned elements are the only ones that are both allowed there and can contain the element mentioned. This might mean that you need a containing element, or possibly that you've forgotten to close a previous element.

One possible cause for this message is that you have attempted to put a block-level element (such as "<p>" or "<table>") inside an inline element (such as "<a>", "<span>", or "<font>").

The mentioned element is not allowed to appear in the context in which you've placed it; the other mentioned elements are the only ones that are both allowed there and can contain the element mentioned. This might mean that you need a containing element, or possibly that you've forgotten to close a previous element.

One possible cause for this message is that you have attempted to put a block-level element (such as "<p>" or "<table>") inside an inline element (such as "<a>", "<span>", or "<font>").

The attribute given above is required for an element that you've used, but you have omitted it. For instance, in most HTML and XHTML document types the "type" attribute is required on the "script" element and the "alt" attribute is required for the "img" element.

Typical values for type are type="text/css" for <style> and type="text/javascript" for <script> .

An entity reference was found in the document, but there is no reference by that name defined. Often this is caused by misspelling the reference name, unencoded ampersands, or by leaving off the trailing semicolon (;). The most common cause of this error is unencoded ampersands in URLs as described by the WDG in "Ampersands in URLs".

Entity references start with an ampersand (&) and end with a semicolon (;). If you want to use a literal ampersand in your document you must encode it as "&amp;" ( even inside URLs! ). Be careful to end entity references with a semicolon or your entity reference may get interpreted in connection with the following text. Also keep in mind that named entity references are case-sensitive; &Aelig; and &aelig; are different characters.

If this error appears in some markup generated by PHP's session handling code, this article has explanations and solutions to your problem.

Note that in most documents, errors related to entity references will trigger up to 5 separate messages from the Validator. Usually these will all disappear when the original problem is fixed.

This is usually a cascading error caused by a an undefined entity reference or use of an unencoded ampersand (&) in an URL or body text. See the previous message for further details.

If you meant to include an entity that starts with "&", then you should terminate it with ";". Another reason for this error message is that you inadvertently created an entity by failing to escape an "&" character just before this text.

This is generally the sign of an ampersand that was not properly escaped for inclusion in an attribute, in a href for example. You will need to escape all instances of '&' into '&amp;'.

This is usually a cascading error caused by a an undefined entity reference or use of an unencoded ampersand (&) in an URL or body text. See the previous message for further details.

An entity reference was found in the document, but there is no reference by that name defined. Often this is caused by misspelling the reference name, unencoded ampersands, or by leaving off the trailing semicolon (;). The most common cause of this error is unencoded ampersands in URLs as described by the WDG in "Ampersands in URLs".

Entity references start with an ampersand (&) and end with a semicolon (;). If you want to use a literal ampersand in your document you must encode it as "&amp;" ( even inside URLs! ). Be careful to end entity references with a semicolon or your entity reference may get interpreted in connection with the following text. Also keep in mind that named entity references are case-sensitive; &Aelig; and &aelig; are different characters.

If this error appears in some markup generated by PHP's session handling code, this article has explanations and solutions to your problem.

Note that in most documents, errors related to entity references will trigger up to 5 separate messages from the Validator. Usually these will all disappear when the original problem is fixed.

This is usually a cascading error caused by a an undefined entity reference or use of an unencoded ampersand (&) in an URL or body text. See the previous message for further details.

If you meant to include an entity that starts with "&", then you should terminate it with ";". Another reason for this error message is that you inadvertently created an entity by failing to escape an "&" character just before this text.

This is generally the sign of an ampersand that was not properly escaped for inclusion in an attribute, in a href for example. You will need to escape all instances of '&' into '&amp;'.

This is usually a cascading error caused by a an undefined entity reference or use of an unencoded ampersand (&) in an URL or body text. See the previous message for further details.

The attribute given above is required for an element that you've used, but you have omitted it. For instance, in most HTML and XHTML document types the "type" attribute is required on the "script" element and the "alt" attribute is required for the "img" element.

Typical values for type are type="text/css" for <style> and type="text/javascript" for <script> .

You may have neglected to close an element, or perhaps you meant to "self-close" an element, that is, ending it with "/>" instead of ">".

You may have neglected to close an element, or perhaps you meant to "self-close" an element, that is, ending it with "/>" instead of ">".

You may have neglected to close an element, or perhaps you meant to "self-close" an element, that is, ending it with "/>" instead of ">".

The attribute given above is required for an element that you've used, but you have omitted it. For instance, in most HTML and XHTML document types the "type" attribute is required on the "script" element and the "alt" attribute is required for the "img" element.

Typical values for type are type="text/css" for <style> and type="text/javascript" for <script> .

The mentioned element is not allowed to appear in the context in which you've placed it; the other mentioned elements are the only ones that are both allowed there and can contain the element mentioned. This might mean that you need a containing element, or possibly that you've forgotten to close a previous element.

One possible cause for this message is that you have attempted to put a block-level element (such as "<p>" or "<table>") inside an inline element (such as "<a>", "<span>", or "<font>").

The attribute given above is required for an element that you've used, but you have omitted it. For instance, in most HTML and XHTML document types the "type" attribute is required on the "script" element and the "alt" attribute is required for the "img" element.

Typical values for type are type="text/css" for <style> and type="text/javascript" for <script> .

The mentioned element is not allowed to appear in the context in which you've placed it; the other mentioned elements are the only ones that are both allowed there and can contain the element mentioned. This might mean that you need a containing element, or possibly that you've forgotten to close a previous element.

One possible cause for this message is that you have attempted to put a block-level element (such as "<p>" or "<table>") inside an inline element (such as "<a>", "<span>", or "<font>").

The attribute given above is required for an element that you've used, but you have omitted it. For instance, in most HTML and XHTML document types the "type" attribute is required on the "script" element and the "alt" attribute is required for the "img" element.

Typical values for type are type="text/css" for <style> and type="text/javascript" for <script> .

The mentioned element is not allowed to appear in the context in which you've placed it; the other mentioned elements are the only ones that are both allowed there and can contain the element mentioned. This might mean that you need a containing element, or possibly that you've forgotten to close a previous element.

One possible cause for this message is that you have attempted to put a block-level element (such as "<p>" or "<table>") inside an inline element (such as "<a>", "<span>", or "<font>").

The mentioned element is not allowed to appear in the context in which you've placed it; the other mentioned elements are the only ones that are both allowed there and can contain the element mentioned. This might mean that you need a containing element, or possibly that you've forgotten to close a previous element.

One possible cause for this message is that you have attempted to put a block-level element (such as "<p>" or "<table>") inside an inline element (such as "<a>", "<span>", or "<font>").

The mentioned element is not allowed to appear in the context in which you've placed it; the other mentioned elements are the only ones that are both allowed there and can contain the element mentioned. This might mean that you need a containing element, or possibly that you've forgotten to close a previous element.

One possible cause for this message is that you have attempted to put a block-level element (such as "<p>" or "<table>") inside an inline element (such as "<a>", "<span>", or "<font>").

The attribute given above is required for an element that you've used, but you have omitted it. For instance, in most HTML and XHTML document types the "type" attribute is required on the "script" element and the "alt" attribute is required for the "img" element.

Typical values for type are type="text/css" for <style> and type="text/javascript" for <script> .

You may have neglected to close an element, or perhaps you meant to "self-close" an element, that is, ending it with "/>" instead of ">".

The mentioned element is not allowed to appear in the context in which you've placed it; the other mentioned elements are the only ones that are both allowed there and can contain the element mentioned. This might mean that you need a containing element, or possibly that you've forgotten to close a previous element.

One possible cause for this message is that you have attempted to put a block-level element (such as "<p>" or "<table>") inside an inline element (such as "<a>", "<span>", or "<font>").

The mentioned element is not allowed to appear in the context in which you've placed it; the other mentioned elements are the only ones that are both allowed there and can contain the element mentioned. This might mean that you need a containing element, or possibly that you've forgotten to close a previous element.

One possible cause for this message is that you have attempted to put a block-level element (such as "<p>" or "<table>") inside an inline element (such as "<a>", "<span>", or "<font>").

You have used the attribute named above in your document, but the document type you are using does not support that attribute for this element. This error is often caused by incorrect use of the "Strict" document type with a document that uses frames (e. g. you must use the "Transitional" document type to get the "target" attribute), or by using vendor proprietary extensions such as "marginheight" (this is usually fixed by using CSS to achieve the desired effect instead).

This error may also result if the element itself is not supported in the document type you are using, as an undefined element will have no supported attributes; in this case, see the element-undefined error message for further information.

How to fix: check the spelling and case of the element and attribute, (Remember XHTML is all lower-case) and/or check that they are both allowed in the chosen document type, and/or use CSS instead of this attribute. If you received this error when using the <embed> element to incorporate flash media in a Web page, see the FAQ item on valid flash.

The attribute given above is required for an element that you've used, but you have omitted it. For instance, in most HTML and XHTML document types the "type" attribute is required on the "script" element and the "alt" attribute is required for the "img" element.

Typical values for type are type="text/css" for <style> and type="text/javascript" for <script> .

You may have neglected to close an element, or perhaps you meant to "self-close" an element, that is, ending it with "/>" instead of ">".

You may have neglected to close an element, or perhaps you meant to "self-close" an element, that is, ending it with "/>" instead of ">".

An entity reference was found in the document, but there is no reference by that name defined. Often this is caused by misspelling the reference name, unencoded ampersands, or by leaving off the trailing semicolon (;). The most common cause of this error is unencoded ampersands in URLs as described by the WDG in "Ampersands in URLs".

Entity references start with an ampersand (&) and end with a semicolon (;). If you want to use a literal ampersand in your document you must encode it as "&amp;" ( even inside URLs! ). Be careful to end entity references with a semicolon or your entity reference may get interpreted in connection with the following text. Also keep in mind that named entity references are case-sensitive; &Aelig; and &aelig; are different characters.

If this error appears in some markup generated by PHP's session handling code, this article has explanations and solutions to your problem.

Note that in most documents, errors related to entity references will trigger up to 5 separate messages from the Validator. Usually these will all disappear when the original problem is fixed.

This is usually a cascading error caused by a an undefined entity reference or use of an unencoded ampersand (&) in an URL or body text. See the previous message for further details.

If you meant to include an entity that starts with "&", then you should terminate it with ";". Another reason for this error message is that you inadvertently created an entity by failing to escape an "&" character just before this text.

This is usually a cascading error caused by a an undefined entity reference or use of an unencoded ampersand (&) in an URL or body text. See the previous message for further details.

An entity reference was found in the document, but there is no reference by that name defined. Often this is caused by misspelling the reference name, unencoded ampersands, or by leaving off the trailing semicolon (;). The most common cause of this error is unencoded ampersands in URLs as described by the WDG in "Ampersands in URLs".

Entity references start with an ampersand (&) and end with a semicolon (;). If you want to use a literal ampersand in your document you must encode it as "&amp;" ( even inside URLs! ). Be careful to end entity references with a semicolon or your entity reference may get interpreted in connection with the following text. Also keep in mind that named entity references are case-sensitive; &Aelig; and &aelig; are different characters.

If this error appears in some markup generated by PHP's session handling code, this article has explanations and solutions to your problem.

Note that in most documents, errors related to entity references will trigger up to 5 separate messages from the Validator. Usually these will all disappear when the original problem is fixed.

This is usually a cascading error caused by a an undefined entity reference or use of an unencoded ampersand (&) in an URL or body text. See the previous message for further details.

If you meant to include an entity that starts with "&", then you should terminate it with ";". Another reason for this error message is that you inadvertently created an entity by failing to escape an "&" character just before this text.

This is usually a cascading error caused by a an undefined entity reference or use of an unencoded ampersand (&) in an URL or body text. See the previous message for further details.

An entity reference was found in the document, but there is no reference by that name defined. Often this is caused by misspelling the reference name, unencoded ampersands, or by leaving off the trailing semicolon (;). The most common cause of this error is unencoded ampersands in URLs as described by the WDG in "Ampersands in URLs".

Entity references start with an ampersand (&) and end with a semicolon (;). If you want to use a literal ampersand in your document you must encode it as "&amp;" ( even inside URLs! ). Be careful to end entity references with a semicolon or your entity reference may get interpreted in connection with the following text. Also keep in mind that named entity references are case-sensitive; &Aelig; and &aelig; are different characters.

If this error appears in some markup generated by PHP's session handling code, this article has explanations and solutions to your problem.

Note that in most documents, errors related to entity references will trigger up to 5 separate messages from the Validator. Usually these will all disappear when the original problem is fixed.

This is usually a cascading error caused by a an undefined entity reference or use of an unencoded ampersand (&) in an URL or body text. See the previous message for further details.

If you meant to include an entity that starts with "&", then you should terminate it with ";". Another reason for this error message is that you inadvertently created an entity by failing to escape an "&" character just before this text.

This is usually a cascading error caused by a an undefined entity reference or use of an unencoded ampersand (&) in an URL or body text. See the previous message for further details.

An entity reference was found in the document, but there is no reference by that name defined. Often this is caused by misspelling the reference name, unencoded ampersands, or by leaving off the trailing semicolon (;). The most common cause of this error is unencoded ampersands in URLs as described by the WDG in "Ampersands in URLs".

Entity references start with an ampersand (&) and end with a semicolon (;). If you want to use a literal ampersand in your document you must encode it as "&amp;" ( even inside URLs! ). Be careful to end entity references with a semicolon or your entity reference may get interpreted in connection with the following text. Also keep in mind that named entity references are case-sensitive; &Aelig; and &aelig; are different characters.

If this error appears in some markup generated by PHP's session handling code, this article has explanations and solutions to your problem.

Note that in most documents, errors related to entity references will trigger up to 5 separate messages from the Validator. Usually these will all disappear when the original problem is fixed.

This is usually a cascading error caused by a an undefined entity reference or use of an unencoded ampersand (&) in an URL or body text. See the previous message for further details.

If you meant to include an entity that starts with "&", then you should terminate it with ";". Another reason for this error message is that you inadvertently created an entity by failing to escape an "&" character just before this text.

This is usually a cascading error caused by a an undefined entity reference or use of an unencoded ampersand (&) in an URL or body text. See the previous message for further details.

An entity reference was found in the document, but there is no reference by that name defined. Often this is caused by misspelling the reference name, unencoded ampersands, or by leaving off the trailing semicolon (;). The most common cause of this error is unencoded ampersands in URLs as described by the WDG in "Ampersands in URLs".

Entity references start with an ampersand (&) and end with a semicolon (;). If you want to use a literal ampersand in your document you must encode it as "&amp;" ( even inside URLs! ). Be careful to end entity references with a semicolon or your entity reference may get interpreted in connection with the following text. Also keep in mind that named entity references are case-sensitive; &Aelig; and &aelig; are different characters.

If this error appears in some markup generated by PHP's session handling code, this article has explanations and solutions to your problem.

Note that in most documents, errors related to entity references will trigger up to 5 separate messages from the Validator. Usually these will all disappear when the original problem is fixed.

This is usually a cascading error caused by a an undefined entity reference or use of an unencoded ampersand (&) in an URL or body text. See the previous message for further details.

If you meant to include an entity that starts with "&", then you should terminate it with ";". Another reason for this error message is that you inadvertently created an entity by failing to escape an "&" character just before this text.

This is usually a cascading error caused by a an undefined entity reference or use of an unencoded ampersand (&) in an URL or body text. See the previous message for further details.

An entity reference was found in the document, but there is no reference by that name defined. Often this is caused by misspelling the reference name, unencoded ampersands, or by leaving off the trailing semicolon (;). The most common cause of this error is unencoded ampersands in URLs as described by the WDG in "Ampersands in URLs".

Entity references start with an ampersand (&) and end with a semicolon (;). If you want to use a literal ampersand in your document you must encode it as "&amp;" ( even inside URLs! ). Be careful to end entity references with a semicolon or your entity reference may get interpreted in connection with the following text. Also keep in mind that named entity references are case-sensitive; &Aelig; and &aelig; are different characters.

If this error appears in some markup generated by PHP's session handling code, this article has explanations and solutions to your problem.

Note that in most documents, errors related to entity references will trigger up to 5 separate messages from the Validator. Usually these will all disappear when the original problem is fixed.

This is usually a cascading error caused by a an undefined entity reference or use of an unencoded ampersand (&) in an URL or body text. See the previous message for further details.

If you meant to include an entity that starts with "&", then you should terminate it with ";". Another reason for this error message is that you inadvertently created an entity by failing to escape an "&" character just before this text.

This is usually a cascading error caused by a an undefined entity reference or use of an unencoded ampersand (&) in an URL or body text. See the previous message for further details.

An entity reference was found in the document, but there is no reference by that name defined. Often this is caused by misspelling the reference name, unencoded ampersands, or by leaving off the trailing semicolon (;). The most common cause of this error is unencoded ampersands in URLs as described by the WDG in "Ampersands in URLs".

Entity references start with an ampersand (&) and end with a semicolon (;). If you want to use a literal ampersand in your document you must encode it as "&amp;" ( even inside URLs! ). Be careful to end entity references with a semicolon or your entity reference may get interpreted in connection with the following text. Also keep in mind that named entity references are case-sensitive; &Aelig; and &aelig; are different characters.

If this error appears in some markup generated by PHP's session handling code, this article has explanations and solutions to your problem.

Note that in most documents, errors related to entity references will trigger up to 5 separate messages from the Validator. Usually these will all disappear when the original problem is fixed.

This is usually a cascading error caused by a an undefined entity reference or use of an unencoded ampersand (&) in an URL or body text. See the previous message for further details.

If you meant to include an entity that starts with "&", then you should terminate it with ";". Another reason for this error message is that you inadvertently created an entity by failing to escape an "&" character just before this text.

This is usually a cascading error caused by a an undefined entity reference or use of an unencoded ampersand (&) in an URL or body text. See the previous message for further details.

An entity reference was found in the document, but there is no reference by that name defined. Often this is caused by misspelling the reference name, unencoded ampersands, or by leaving off the trailing semicolon (;). The most common cause of this error is unencoded ampersands in URLs as described by the WDG in "Ampersands in URLs".

Entity references start with an ampersand (&) and end with a semicolon (;). If you want to use a literal ampersand in your document you must encode it as "&amp;" ( even inside URLs! ). Be careful to end entity references with a semicolon or your entity reference may get interpreted in connection with the following text. Also keep in mind that named entity references are case-sensitive; &Aelig; and &aelig; are different characters.

If this error appears in some markup generated by PHP's session handling code, this article has explanations and solutions to your problem.

Note that in most documents, errors related to entity references will trigger up to 5 separate messages from the Validator. Usually these will all disappear when the original problem is fixed.

This is usually a cascading error caused by a an undefined entity reference or use of an unencoded ampersand (&) in an URL or body text. See the previous message for further details.

If you meant to include an entity that starts with "&", then you should terminate it with ";". Another reason for this error message is that you inadvertently created an entity by failing to escape an "&" character just before this text.

This is usually a cascading error caused by a an undefined entity reference or use of an unencoded ampersand (&) in an URL or body text. See the previous message for further details.

An entity reference was found in the document, but there is no reference by that name defined. Often this is caused by misspelling the reference name, unencoded ampersands, or by leaving off the trailing semicolon (;). The most common cause of this error is unencoded ampersands in URLs as described by the WDG in "Ampersands in URLs".

Entity references start with an ampersand (&) and end with a semicolon (;). If you want to use a literal ampersand in your document you must encode it as "&amp;" ( even inside URLs! ). Be careful to end entity references with a semicolon or your entity reference may get interpreted in connection with the following text. Also keep in mind that named entity references are case-sensitive; &Aelig; and &aelig; are different characters.

If this error appears in some markup generated by PHP's session handling code, this article has explanations and solutions to your problem.

Note that in most documents, errors related to entity references will trigger up to 5 separate messages from the Validator. Usually these will all disappear when the original problem is fixed.

This is usually a cascading error caused by a an undefined entity reference or use of an unencoded ampersand (&) in an URL or body text. See the previous message for further details.

If you meant to include an entity that starts with "&", then you should terminate it with ";". Another reason for this error message is that you inadvertently created an entity by failing to escape an "&" character just before this text.

This is usually a cascading error caused by a an undefined entity reference or use of an unencoded ampersand (&) in an URL or body text. See the previous message for further details.

An entity reference was found in the document, but there is no reference by that name defined. Often this is caused by misspelling the reference name, unencoded ampersands, or by leaving off the trailing semicolon (;). The most common cause of this error is unencoded ampersands in URLs as described by the WDG in "Ampersands in URLs".

Entity references start with an ampersand (&) and end with a semicolon (;). If you want to use a literal ampersand in your document you must encode it as "&amp;" ( even inside URLs! ). Be careful to end entity references with a semicolon or your entity reference may get interpreted in connection with the following text. Also keep in mind that named entity references are case-sensitive; &Aelig; and &aelig; are different characters.

If this error appears in some markup generated by PHP's session handling code, this article has explanations and solutions to your problem.

Note that in most documents, errors related to entity references will trigger up to 5 separate messages from the Validator. Usually these will all disappear when the original problem is fixed.

This is usually a cascading error caused by a an undefined entity reference or use of an unencoded ampersand (&) in an URL or body text. See the previous message for further details.

If you meant to include an entity that starts with "&", then you should terminate it with ";". Another reason for this error message is that you inadvertently created an entity by failing to escape an "&" character just before this text.

This is usually a cascading error caused by a an undefined entity reference or use of an unencoded ampersand (&) in an URL or body text. See the previous message for further details.

An entity reference was found in the document, but there is no reference by that name defined. Often this is caused by misspelling the reference name, unencoded ampersands, or by leaving off the trailing semicolon (;). The most common cause of this error is unencoded ampersands in URLs as described by the WDG in "Ampersands in URLs".

Entity references start with an ampersand (&) and end with a semicolon (;). If you want to use a literal ampersand in your document you must encode it as "&amp;" ( even inside URLs! ). Be careful to end entity references with a semicolon or your entity reference may get interpreted in connection with the following text. Also keep in mind that named entity references are case-sensitive; &Aelig; and &aelig; are different characters.

If this error appears in some markup generated by PHP's session handling code, this article has explanations and solutions to your problem.

Note that in most documents, errors related to entity references will trigger up to 5 separate messages from the Validator. Usually these will all disappear when the original problem is fixed.

This is usually a cascading error caused by a an undefined entity reference or use of an unencoded ampersand (&) in an URL or body text. See the previous message for further details.

If you meant to include an entity that starts with "&", then you should terminate it with ";". Another reason for this error message is that you inadvertently created an entity by failing to escape an "&" character just before this text.

This is usually a cascading error caused by a an undefined entity reference or use of an unencoded ampersand (&) in an URL or body text. See the previous message for further details.

You have used the attribute named above in your document, but the document type you are using does not support that attribute for this element. This error is often caused by incorrect use of the "Strict" document type with a document that uses frames (e. g. you must use the "Transitional" document type to get the "target" attribute), or by using vendor proprietary extensions such as "marginheight" (this is usually fixed by using CSS to achieve the desired effect instead).

This error may also result if the element itself is not supported in the document type you are using, as an undefined element will have no supported attributes; in this case, see the element-undefined error message for further information.

How to fix: check the spelling and case of the element and attribute, (Remember XHTML is all lower-case) and/or check that they are both allowed in the chosen document type, and/or use CSS instead of this attribute. If you received this error when using the <embed> element to incorporate flash media in a Web page, see the FAQ item on valid flash.

You have used the attribute named above in your document, but the document type you are using does not support that attribute for this element. This error is often caused by incorrect use of the "Strict" document type with a document that uses frames (e. g. you must use the "Transitional" document type to get the "target" attribute), or by using vendor proprietary extensions such as "marginheight" (this is usually fixed by using CSS to achieve the desired effect instead).

This error may also result if the element itself is not supported in the document type you are using, as an undefined element will have no supported attributes; in this case, see the element-undefined error message for further information.

How to fix: check the spelling and case of the element and attribute, (Remember XHTML is all lower-case) and/or check that they are both allowed in the chosen document type, and/or use CSS instead of this attribute. If you received this error when using the <embed> element to incorporate flash media in a Web page, see the FAQ item on valid flash.

An "id" is a unique identifier. Each time this attribute is used in a document it must have a different value. If you are using this attribute as a hook for style sheets it may be more appropriate to use classes (which group elements) than id (which are used to identify exactly one element).

You may have neglected to close an element, or perhaps you meant to "self-close" an element, that is, ending it with "/>" instead of ">".

You may have neglected to close an element, or perhaps you meant to "self-close" an element, that is, ending it with "/>" instead of ">".

The element named above was found in a context where it is not allowed. This could mean that you have incorrectly nested elements -- such as a "style" element in the "body" section instead of inside "head" -- or two elements that overlap (which is not allowed).

One common cause for this error is the use of XHTML syntax in HTML documents. Due to HTML's rules of implicitly closed elements, this error can create cascading effects. For instance, using XHTML's "self-closing" tags for "meta" and "link" in the "head" section of a HTML document may cause the parser to infer the end of the "head" section and the beginning of the "body" section (where "link" and "meta" are not allowed; hence the reported error).

An entity reference was found in the document, but there is no reference by that name defined. Often this is caused by misspelling the reference name, unencoded ampersands, or by leaving off the trailing semicolon (;). The most common cause of this error is unencoded ampersands in URLs as described by the WDG in "Ampersands in URLs".

Entity references start with an ampersand (&) and end with a semicolon (;). If you want to use a literal ampersand in your document you must encode it as "&amp;" ( even inside URLs! ). Be careful to end entity references with a semicolon or your entity reference may get interpreted in connection with the following text. Also keep in mind that named entity references are case-sensitive; &Aelig; and &aelig; are different characters.

If this error appears in some markup generated by PHP's session handling code, this article has explanations and solutions to your problem.

Note that in most documents, errors related to entity references will trigger up to 5 separate messages from the Validator. Usually these will all disappear when the original problem is fixed.

This is usually a cascading error caused by a an undefined entity reference or use of an unencoded ampersand (&) in an URL or body text. See the previous message for further details.

If you meant to include an entity that starts with "&", then you should terminate it with ";". Another reason for this error message is that you inadvertently created an entity by failing to escape an "&" character just before this text.

This is generally the sign of an ampersand that was not properly escaped for inclusion in an attribute, in a href for example. You will need to escape all instances of '&' into '&amp;'.

This is usually a cascading error caused by a an undefined entity reference or use of an unencoded ampersand (&) in an URL or body text. See the previous message for further details.

An entity reference was found in the document, but there is no reference by that name defined. Often this is caused by misspelling the reference name, unencoded ampersands, or by leaving off the trailing semicolon (;). The most common cause of this error is unencoded ampersands in URLs as described by the WDG in "Ampersands in URLs".

Entity references start with an ampersand (&) and end with a semicolon (;). If you want to use a literal ampersand in your document you must encode it as "&amp;" ( even inside URLs! ). Be careful to end entity references with a semicolon or your entity reference may get interpreted in connection with the following text. Also keep in mind that named entity references are case-sensitive; &Aelig; and &aelig; are different characters.

If this error appears in some markup generated by PHP's session handling code, this article has explanations and solutions to your problem.

Note that in most documents, errors related to entity references will trigger up to 5 separate messages from the Validator. Usually these will all disappear when the original problem is fixed.

This is usually a cascading error caused by a an undefined entity reference or use of an unencoded ampersand (&) in an URL or body text. See the previous message for further details.

If you meant to include an entity that starts with "&", then you should terminate it with ";". Another reason for this error message is that you inadvertently created an entity by failing to escape an "&" character just before this text.

This is generally the sign of an ampersand that was not properly escaped for inclusion in an attribute, in a href for example. You will need to escape all instances of '&' into '&amp;'.

This is usually a cascading error caused by a an undefined entity reference or use of an unencoded ampersand (&) in an URL or body text. See the previous message for further details.

An entity reference was found in the document, but there is no reference by that name defined. Often this is caused by misspelling the reference name, unencoded ampersands, or by leaving off the trailing semicolon (;). The most common cause of this error is unencoded ampersands in URLs as described by the WDG in "Ampersands in URLs".

Entity references start with an ampersand (&) and end with a semicolon (;). If you want to use a literal ampersand in your document you must encode it as "&amp;" ( even inside URLs! ). Be careful to end entity references with a semicolon or your entity reference may get interpreted in connection with the following text. Also keep in mind that named entity references are case-sensitive; &Aelig; and &aelig; are different characters.

If this error appears in some markup generated by PHP's session handling code, this article has explanations and solutions to your problem.

Note that in most documents, errors related to entity references will trigger up to 5 separate messages from the Validator. Usually these will all disappear when the original problem is fixed.

This is usually a cascading error caused by a an undefined entity reference or use of an unencoded ampersand (&) in an URL or body text. See the previous message for further details.

If you meant to include an entity that starts with "&", then you should terminate it with ";". Another reason for this error message is that you inadvertently created an entity by failing to escape an "&" character just before this text.

This is generally the sign of an ampersand that was not properly escaped for inclusion in an attribute, in a href for example. You will need to escape all instances of '&' into '&amp;'.

This is usually a cascading error caused by a an undefined entity reference or use of an unencoded ampersand (&) in an URL or body text. See the previous message for further details.

You may have neglected to close an element, or perhaps you meant to "self-close" an element, that is, ending it with "/>" instead of ">".

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